Coaching with Natalie didn’t feel like work- it felt like magic!
— Lauren, Santa Cruz, CA

For Individuals


Six-Session Package

This is the most popular combination for my clients. It goes deep without being overwhelming. It is a great way to pace yourself. For new and established clients.

Package includes:

Introductory Session (Complimentary)

Contacting Session

  • Four personalized coaching sessions

  • One closing session-includes coaching and reflections

Three-Session Refresh

This is for established clients who have already worked with me in some way and need some focused attention.

Package includes:

Three personalized coaching sessions

Voice Dialogue

This is a simple and profound technique of “speaking to” different part of the self. It aids in having clarity, understanding and peace with the self. Clients can experience great personal freedom and empowerment after only one session!

  • Sixty minute session

Authentic Presence

Part One: Reclaiming your Essence

A four hour private workshop. Have you ever wondered who you truly are at your most fundamental level? Have you ever wanted to make decisions and be guided by this part of you? You Can! Together we will do many activities that will reveal your Essence and give you a firm grounding in this new relationship with yourself.

Reclaiming your Essence can be done as a stand-alone. However it is incredibly supported by Part two.

Part Two: Support Techniques: Pathway, Core Values, Guiding Statements

A two hour private workshop.You will learn techniques and develop your own ways of living your Essence moment to moment, every day.

For Organizational Groups and Teams

Get in touch through our Contact Page, and we can create a customized transformative experience for your group or your team.

Payment, platforms, and options

Coaching is Convenient and Portable!

We can work together:

  • By Phone

  • Via Skype or Zoom

Paypment options

PayPal | Cash | Check (made to: Well Within, LLC.)

Please note: payment is due in full before we can proceed with our contract.