I am Natalie Rivera, owner and founder of Well Within Coaching. I am dedicated to supporting you being the leader of your life.
I care deeply about you living your life to its fullest. As a Certified Transformative Coach, working with me will expand your awareness of who you truly are and support the inspired actions that will propel you forward into the direction of your choice.
I believe that in order to thrive in today’s world, we need to partner with those who care about us and have the skills and courage to challenge us to be who we truly are.
Together we will create a customized coaching plan that is powerful, effective and convenient.
I will be whole heartedly compassionate with the totality of who you are, as well as hold your feet to the fire when you need it.
My clients are Executives, Business Owners, Parents, Artists, Teachers, Students, Team Leaders, and Professionals.
Some of the Topics we cover and things we work on
Make your business Thriving, Lucrative, Fulfilling and as Unique as YOU ARE.
Create your career as a well-lit path that you walk on YOUR OWN TERMS.
Align your parenting WITH WHO YOU REALLY ARE and is a territory for healing and understanding.
Bring your health to be OPTIMAL, conscious, and enthusiastic! All because you integrate HEALTHY LIFESTYLE CHOICES into your routines. Especially the ones your health care professionals recommend.
Build your confidence, ground and embody it. YOU KNOW WHO YOU TRULY ARE. You know that you are INFINITELY VALUABLE. You know where you want to focus you unique energies.
Approached your crossroads with curiosity and calm. What opportunities are being presented to you? What are all the facts? What do you really want? Your CHOICES are made from AWARENESS, CLARITY AND COURAGE.
Whatever you want to live into, partnering with Natalie will support you getting there.
Together, we will be allies to fully living into your ONE PRECIOUS LIFE.
“Natalie’s unique genius is in asking great questions and listening for your truest answers. She offers useful tools and coaches you in discovering your life essence and living your unique life’s purpose.”
Love your life
Come alive and be happy!
I have supported dozens of people in finding and reclaiming their own unique ways of:
Building their businesses and careers
Developing their parenting style
Integrating ‘Doctor’s Orders’ into their lifestyle
Making important life choices
Deepening their Creative Pursuits in Painting, Writing, Storytelling
Designing Events, Workshops, Retreats
What their true nature is and how to live into it moment to moment
Revealing dynamics in personal relationships and with coworkers
Creating productive and efficient teams
Plus more…
“I will continue to see Natalie for coaching.
I consider it one of the best investments in myself and in my business. Every session is an absolute pleasure and revolutionary for my personal life and my business. ”